Why am I passionate about this?

A boyhood fascination with knights and castles, plus the inevitable influence of Tolkien’s world, drew me into medieval history, especially its warring side. An MA and a PhD in medieval warfare consolidated my enthusiasm, with my first three books being on that topic (what I call my Blood and Guts trilogy). I remain fascinated by the all-encompassing influence of medieval warfare on society and its unforgiving impact on warriors and non-combatants alike. Writing, lecturing, and public talks on these have led me into other interesting fields, including two TV documentaries.

I wrote

Blood Cries Afar: The Magna Carta War and the Invasion of England 1215-1217

By Sean McGlynn,

Book cover of Blood Cries Afar: The Magna Carta War and the Invasion of England 1215-1217

What is my book about?

While most people know something of King John and Magna Carta, very few have heard of the French invasion of…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of Victory in the East: A Military History of the First Crusade

Sean McGlynn Why did I love this book?

This book brought home to me just how much the victory of the crusaders on the First Crusade was an astonishing and unlikely military feat. John France shows how it was achieved stage by bloody stage, discussing strategy, tactics, leadership, battles, and sieges, while also focusing on the central role played by careful logistics. Throughout I was struck by the incredible tenacity of the crusaders and the terrible deprivations and losses that they had to endure. An absorbing and authoritative account of a truly epic campaign of loss and victory.

By John France,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Victory in the East as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The success of the First Crusade, and its capture of Jerusalem in 1099, has been conventionally explained in terms of its ideological and political motivation. This book looks at the First Crusade primarily as a military campaign and asks why it was so successful. Modern writing about the crusade has tended to emphasise the moral dimension and the development of the idea of the crusade, but its fate was ultimately decided on the field of battle. Victory in the East looks at the nature of war at the end of the eleventh century and the military experience of all the…

Book cover of War in the Middle Ages

Sean McGlynn Why did I love this book?

This book was my “bible” during my days as an MA student of medieval warfare. Contamine convinced me that medieval warfare was truly at the heart of medieval society and thus deserving of dedicated study and research. While densely packed with facts and figures that can be daunting in their quantity, it is full of fascinating revelations, such as the bugler on the battlefield who died from over-exertion!

By Philippe Contamine,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked War in the Middle Ages as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Covering the ten centuries following the fall of Rome, War in the Middle Ages engages all aspects of its subject, including the military customs and conditions of the various Western European states; armor and weaponry recruitment; and rules of combat developed to limit bloodshed. Philippe Contamine writes with an awareness that, in both theory and fact, medieval warfare was constantly evolving. He opens with a chapter on Roman military disintegration and the practice of warfare in the barbarian kingdoms erected on the empirea s ruins. He then shows how feudalization multiplied conflicts, and describes the resulting growth of the "great…

Book cover of The Wars of the Roses

Sean McGlynn Why did I love this book?

Prof Gillingham was my first PhD supervisor. (I got through a couple or more!) I have always tried to emulate not only the clarity of his writing but also his dry touches of humour and his eminent common sense; not for him the clever-silliness of many academics. All these virtues are on display here in this highly readable account of The Wars of the Roses, in which a complex conflict is rendered enjoyably accessible.

By John Gillingham,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Wars of the Roses as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Frequently remembered as a period of military history which both saw the French beat the English and then the English fight amongst themselves, traditional military historians have tended to pass over the period hastily, regarding it as an episode that wrecked England's military greatness. John Gillingham's highly readable history separates the myth from the reality. He argues that, paradoxically, the Wars of the Roses demonstrate how peaceful England in fact was. From the accession of the infant Henry VI to the thrones of England and France in 1422 to the accession of Henry VII following the Battle of Bosworth in…

Book cover of The Medieval Archer

Sean McGlynn Why did I love this book?

The controversial topic of the English longbow continues to haunt medieval warfare studies today. I was delighted to read this robust book which convinced me with its clear argument that the “long” bow was not itself a revolutionary new weapon of the later Middle Ages, but a bow that had evolved over time and which had always been significant in medieval warfare. Throughout there are lots of absorbing accounts of battles.

By Jim Bradbury,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Medieval Archer as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

It is a delight to read a book which recognises the importance of warfare in medieval times...also...discusses the changing role of the archer in medieval society. SIR STEVEN RUNCIMAN

This book traces the historyof the archer in the medieval period, from the Norman Conquest to the Wars of the Roses. From a close study of early evidence, the author shows that the archer's role before the time of Edward I was an important but rarely documented one, and that his new prominence in the fourteenth century was the result of changes in development of military tactics rather than the introduction…

Book cover of The Black Prince

Sean McGlynn Why did I love this book?

I reviewed this book for The Spectator. The life of the Black Prince exemplifies that of a career soldier at the highest level of command, here someone who weaved a trail of destruction across France during the Hundred Years War through chevauchées and bloody battles and sieges. I was taken by Jones’s attempt to offer a more positive image of this ruthless warrior, not least to excuse him of his notorious massacre at Limoges. Having myself written at length about the Black Prince’s infamous actions, the book made me reconsider to some extent what happened in the city. Jones also captures the drama and danger of the press of medieval battles, not least at Crécy in 1346. Brutal as medieval warfare was, it is undeniably viscerally exciting to read about.

By Michael Jones,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Black Prince as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

As a child he was given his own suit of armor; at the age of sixteen, he helped defeat the French at Crécy. At Poitiers, in 1356, his victory over King John II of France forced the French into a humiliating surrender that marked the zenith of England’s dominance in the Hundred Years War. As lord of Aquitaine, he ruled a vast swathe of territory across the west and southwest of France, holding a magnificent court at Bordeaux that mesmerized the brave but unruly Gascon nobility and drew them like moths to the flame of his cause. He was Edward…

Explore my book 😀

Blood Cries Afar: The Magna Carta War and the Invasion of England 1215-1217

By Sean McGlynn,

Book cover of Blood Cries Afar: The Magna Carta War and the Invasion of England 1215-1217

What is my book about?

While most people know something of King John and Magna Carta, very few have heard of the French invasion of England in 1216. Exactly 150 years after the Norman Conquest in 1066, history nearly repeated itself. French forces, under the chivalrous Prince Louis, invaded and took control of half of England. At one point some two-thirds of barons paid homage to Louis as the new ruler of the kingdom. The French remained in England for a year-and-a-half, during which time there were dramatic full-scale battles on land and at sea, with campaigning armies inflicting terrible destruction on the people of England.

Full of vivid, colourful characters, this critically acclaimed book is the first-ever study of the invasion, offering the most detailed accounts of its numerous, exciting military engagements.

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Tap Dancing on Everest: A Young Doctor's Unlikely Adventure

By Mimi Zieman,

Book cover of Tap Dancing on Everest: A Young Doctor's Unlikely Adventure

Mimi Zieman Author Of Tap Dancing on Everest: A Young Doctor's Unlikely Adventure

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m an OB/GYN, passionate about adventuring beyond what’s expected. This has led me to pivot multiple times in my career, now focusing on writing. I’ve written a play, The Post-Roe Monologues, to elevate women’s stories. I cherish the curiosity that drives outer and inner exploration, and I love memoirs that skillfully weave the two. The books on this list feature extraordinary women who took risks, left comfort and safety, and battled vulnerability to step into the unknown. These authors moved beyond the stories they’d believed about themselves–or that others told about them. They invite you to think about living fuller and bigger lives. 

Mimi's book list on women exploring the world and self

What is my book about?

Tap Dancing on Everest, part coming-of-age memoir, part true-survival adventure story, is about a young medical student, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor raised in N.Y.C., who battles self-doubt to serve as the doctor—and only woman—on a remote Everest climb in Tibet.

The team attempts a new route up the East Face without the use of supplemental oxygen, Sherpa support, or chance for rescue. When three climbers disappear during their summit attempt, Zieman reaches the knife edge of her limits and digs deeply to fight for the climbers’ lives and to find her voice.

Tap Dancing on Everest: A Young Doctor's Unlikely Adventure

By Mimi Zieman,

What is this book about?

The plan was outrageous: A small team of four climbers would attempt a new route on the East Face of Mt. Everest, considered the most remote and dangerous side of the mountain, which had only been successfully climbed once before. Unlike the first large team, Mimi Zieman and her team would climb without using supplemental oxygen or porter support. While the unpredictable weather and high altitude of 29,035 feet make climbing Everest perilous in any condition, attempting a new route, with no idea of what obstacles lay ahead, was especially audacious. Team members were expected to push themselves to their…

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